Odoo Training

Odoo Video Subscription
Access ALL VIDEOS in our Odoo video library

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Our goal is to provide the best source of Odoo videos and workshops on the planet. We listen carefully to the feedback of our subscribers. Each week we put out new videos designed to fill in the gaps between existing documentation on the Internet and other sources available throughout the community.

If after working through our videos you have not found a video that solves your specific Odoo question or problem, please let us know. We create videos based on subscriber feedback. So if we don't currently have something you need, we will do our best to create it for you. All you have to do is contact us at sales@odooclass.com and make your Odoo video topic request.

If for any reason we are unable to provide you with a video or workshop experience to your satisfaction we will refund the cost of your subscription.

Three Months Access


$92 per month
  • Access to the complete video library for 3 months
  • Weekly video updates based on subscriber requests and feedback.
  • LIMITED TIME SPECIAL: Have specific questions? Get two hours of professional consultation absolutely free.
  • Lowest cost package to get the entire library
  • Beginning to Advanced Odoo videos for developers, integrators and Odoo users.
  • Watch online or download

Three Months Access


$92 per month
  • Access to the complete video library for 3 months
  • Weekly video updates based on subscriber requests and feedback.
  • LIMITED TIME SPECIAL: Have specific questions? Get two hours of professional consultation absolutely free.
  • Lowest cost package to get the entire library
  • Beginning to Advanced Odoo videos for developers, integrators and Odoo users.
  • Watch online or download

Three Months Access


$92 per month
  • Access to the complete video library for 3 months
  • Weekly video updates based on subscriber requests and feedback.
  • LIMITED TIME SPECIAL: Have specific questions? Get two hours of professional consultation absolutely free.
  • Lowest cost package to get the entire library
  • Beginning to Advanced Odoo videos for developers, integrators and Odoo users.
  • Watch online or download

Learn to use Odoo, the #1 Open Source Business Framework

Subscriptions include complete access to the ENTIRE Odoo Class Video Library!

Odoo Class Subscription

What are some of the core videos available in the library?

Odoo Essentials for Version 8

Odoo Essentials starts at the beginning with installing a new company, setting up customers, entering products and creating sales orders. You learn how to search and find records and the little tricks and tips that help make it easier to get around and user the system.

Most importantly, we examine exactly how the transactions in Odoo impact the general ledger and accounts. The takes a look at the new CMS website manager and how you can quickly create your own shopping cart using Odoo in a matter of minutes. Odoo Essentials is designed to get you up and running with Odoo fast.

  • Step by step how to configure a new company in Odoo version 8
  • Confused about how Odoo handles Accounting & Finance? This video explains the transactions and how accounts configured.
  • Learn about the new CMS website builder and how you can implement an online store in a matter of minutes.
  • Manage Customers, Leads and Opportunities in Odoo CRM
  • Want to do some simple customization? This video shows you a few tricks you can do customize your installation without writing any Python code!
  • Learn the fundamentals of inventory and warehouse management
  • $129 Value

    50,000+ companies run Odoo to grow their businesses.

    Odoo Essentials starts at the beginning and helps you understand the basics of Odoo

    Odoo Installation Ubuntu Bootcamp

    This video is for anyone who is either new to install Ubuntu, new to installing Odoo or both. This video assumes you have never used Ubuntu before or have used it very little. It squarely focuses on the commands you need to perform a successful Ubuntu install.

    In addition to the basics, the video goes much further into more production related topics. If you are unfamiliar with NGinx, how to create a startup script so Odoo starts up automatically when the server reboots, or how to tie a domain name into your Odoo installation; this step by step video course will help you understand these more advanced Odoo configurations.

  • Step by Step Instructions right from downloading VMWare player on your Windows computer and the 14.04 Ubuntu you need for Odoo.
  • Troubleshooting of many of the common problems you may encounter installing Odoo the first time.
  • Learn how to secure your administrative password.
  • Assumes you have never used Ubuntu. Learn the basic commands you need to install Odoo, check if it is running, create a script so the server will start, and even how to configure the server so you can resolve a domain name to your Odoo installation.
  • $99 Value

    Learn to install Odoo on Ubuntu 14.04

    The video that shows you step-by-step how to configure open source Odoo

    Odoo Developer Training Volume One

    Would you like to customize Odoo (formally OpenERP) for your business or for a client? Are you excited about the opportunity of becomming an Odoo developer? Even if you are new to Python or programming entirely, you can learn in just a few days to customize your Odoo installaton.

    This video series was created for those who want to start learning how to build Odoo applications today. Volume One OpenERP / Odoo developer training is for beginners who want to see step by step exactly how to build an Odoo application from scratch.

  • For Odoo 7 or Odoo 8
  • Learn how to build a module from scratch. Watch each step along the way.
  • See step by step how to use the Odoo ORM to add fields to Odoo applications and modify the Odoo views.
  • Learn how to make menus and sub menus.
  • No previous Python Experience required.
  • $99 Value

    Learn more about Odoo Developer Series Volume

    Odoo Developer Series Volume One is included with your subscription

    Developer Training Video Series (Volume Two)

    OpenERP / Odoo Developer Training Volume Two builds on what was learned in volume one. We continue to use a very step by step approach while delving into more of the OpenERP / Odoo framework. Using a real world example to build a boat manufacturing application, we begin by learning how to use domain attributes to filter product data.

    The video then goes on to demonstrate using the context attributes to dynamically display data based on other selections in the form. We extend this example into product variants that demonstrate just how easy it can be to dramatically change the stock OpenERP / Odoo modules. In later examples we get into more complex Python code to manage data and create transactions. If you already have the basics down in OpenERP / Odoo or have purchased volume one, volume two is the video you need to take your OpenERP / Odoo programming to the next level.

  • For Odoo 7 or Odoo 8
  • Learn how to use context in views combined with Python modules to create dynamic modules that respond to users.
  • Import transactional data into inventory.
  • Add product variants and customize Odoo using a real world example for boat manufacturing.
  • Builds on what was learned in Odoo Developer Volume One.
  • $99 Value

    Developer Training Volume Two - For Odoo 7 or Odoo 8

    Learn to use context to dynamically control user content

    Fundamental Training Video Series (Vol. 1 & 2)

    In the OpenERP / Odoo 7 Fundamentals Training Series we take a business requirements driven approach to teach you step by step how to implement an OpenERP system. Unlike many OpenERP / Odoo training approaches that simply go feature by feature, this video series works through real processes and real configuration problems that people typically face in setting up a new OpenERP / Odoo system.

    $175 Value

    Sample Video

    This sample is one of our free videos we produced that covers Odoo 7 features (at the time OpenERP) on Youtube.